A & H Septic Tank

Land Clearing and Commercial Services

Our Land Clearing Services

Land development supports the critical role of septic tank placement and the layout of the drain and water lines. Properly installed and maintained drain lines facilitate effective water management. In developments with septic systems, drain lines – specifically designed as leach fields- are essential for dispersing and treating sewage from the septic tank, using the soil as a natural filter to remove harmful pathogens before they reach groundwater. This protects the environment and public health. A & H Septic Tank is focused on land development, knowing that well-planned drain lines will maintain the hydrological balance of the developed area. This ensures that changes in land use do not adversely affect local water tables and aquatic ecosystems. 

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Land Clearing

Land Clearing 

Our land clearing services at A & H Septic Tank remove vegetation, debris, and obstructions that could interfere with the excavation and installation of drainage systems that support drain lines.

Backhoe Work

Excavation, trenching, and grading with backhoes and other heavy machinery to ensure drain lines are at the correct depth and slope for gravity-based water flow in drainage systems. Grading prevents water accumulation and directs flow into drain lines to prevent flooding and erosion.

Industrial Cleaning

A & H Septic has the equipment and experience for industrial land cleaning to support the effectiveness of septic tanks and drain lines. We remove debris that could disrupt the system or cause environmental pollution. Industrial cleaning leads to a reliable septic system that requires fewer repairs and maintains ecological integrity. 


We are experts at Hydro-jetting because it’s the best method for cleaning and maintaining drain lines and septic systems. Hydro-jetting clears blockages and cleans the interior surfaces of the pipes, removing buildup that can cause future clogs and system failures. Property owners will save on costly repairs and replacements by incorporating hydro-jetting as a regular maintenance practice. This proactive technique is a smart investment to maintain the integrity of septic and drainage systems. 

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